Service for adaptation in a new country: search for professionals, experts, friends.

If you are moving / have moved and need help or are ready to provide such help - join us!
Relocat is helpful if you are
I have little experience in relocation and I want to find help and contacts
I already have experience in relocation. I want to find help and contacts but also I can help others
I provide services and want to find clients among expats

In the App

Recommendations and reviews
Promoting yourself as an expert among a new audience
Convenient search for specialists
Loyal customers interested in cooperation with you
Built-in chat
Convenient communications with all clients
Search for specialists
who can be trusted
Time saving
to collect and study information
Communication with locals
for comfortable adaptation in a new country
Our goal
Relocat helps people moving to a new country to adapt and settle down faster.
We want to simplify the relocation process and make it friendly in order to change the approach to moving.
Join if you also want to change the approach to relocation with us.
Join us
How it works?
Step 1 Sign up
Step 2 Find your friends and local professionals
Step 3 Create requests and respond to requests from friends and customers
Step 4 Chat with others and get information
Step 5 Get feedback, сontacts, support and сustomers
Download app
Планируете переезд или только-только переехали?
Найдите нужного местного специалиста - от репетитора до стоматолога, и узнайте о нем подробнее.
Оставьте свой запрос - и получайте отклики от профессионалов.